Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sistine Chapel

When I was twelve and I learned about the live of Michelangelo and all of his work, I realized that the one thing that I had to see before I was gone from this world was the Sistine Chapel.

To me the Sistine Chapel was something of a memo to the world.  A memo that you can say what you want and force me to do things that I never wanted to be apart of, but instead of calling it quits I will finish what was asked of me and I will do it in a way that you will praise me in the end for what I have done.

I thought that this was something of a memo to myself and since then I have taken this to heart, and I have really focused on what I can do in order to make it in this world.

Michelangelo inspired me to prove myself to this world, and until I do I will work harder then most people.

The Sistine Chapel ceiling, painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512, at the commission of Pope Julius II, is one of the most renowned artworks of the High Renaissance.


  1. thank you for an honest account and the pictures are innocent and original... the paintings like "the creation of adam" have modern re-interpretations which are being used as cultural commentary even today.

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